Saturday, July 27, 2024

Is Your Business Ready for 2023?


Happy New Year! The new year brings an opportunity to identify business goals and analyze new trends. Small businesses will need to be savvy in all forms of communications, including digital communications, to maintain its market share in the new year. Here are a few marketing ideas to help your business thrive in 2023:

Identify and showcase your personal brand. Make sure your vision, mission, and values are clear. All employees must be engaged in the company brand. When a potential consumer is interested in your products or services, make sure your digital footprint matches their expectations. The goal is for consumers to recognize your brand, identify with your company and connect with its founders and employees. A brand is more than just your logo. It is the way a product, company or individual is perceived by those who experience it. A brand is the essence of the company. Make sure your digital footprint is consistent with your online and offline message.

Use an influencer. Gone are the days that only a celebrity could endorse or add ratings to a product or service. Today, influencers are excellent communicators who are passionate about using their audience to promote products and services. Make sure the influencer can communicate the message in print, digital and in-person. Look for engagements including likes, shares, and comments, so that the message resonates for a long period of time. A good PR or communications firm can help influence the marketing message and/or hire the right influencer for your business to ensure attainable and measurable results.

Partner with a local charities, fairs, or events to reach new customers. Partnerships will strengthen your business. There is power in high numbers of people. If multiple businesses come together to support a cause and/or your business is seen or heard in numerous publications, engagement will certainly rise. Excellent marketing from a local fair or event will reinforce your brand and provide a good sense of the company’s culture. Often, it is less expensive to align with an already established entity than to try and advertise on your own.

2023 may be a challenge for many small businesses due to employee training in customer service and the new “normal” way of doing business. Focus on excellent marketing using a variety of tactics, and you will be sure to pull ahead of your competitors!

Happy New Year from all of us at JBe Marketing Group, LLC!

Jennifer Bushong, MA is the owner of JBe Marketing Group, LLC., a full-service strategic marketing and public relations firm in Washington State. JBe can implement marketing, communications, or branding campaigns using a variety of tactics. To learn more or book Jennifer as a speaker, or visit



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