Sunday, May 5, 2024

Chelan-Douglas Health District is issuing the following Public Health Advisory today March 5

Events - If you can feasibly avoid bringing large groups of people together, consider postponing events and gatherings


EAST WENATCHEE- The COVID-19 virus is almost certainly circulating in our community, well beyond the number of cases already known. This is because many COVID-19 cases are mild or even non-symptomatic. Most people who get this infection will recover and be fine, but it does have a higher death rate than seasonal flu and is a serious matter. Those at higher risk include the elderly and anyone with other serious health problems (diabetes, heart disease, etc.) or reduced immune system.

Like seasonal flu, this virus cannot simply be stopped in its tracks. However, there are things we can do to reduce its impact and reduce the number of cases. CDHD is recommending, but not requiring, the following steps to minimize contact among members of the public:

High Risk People - People at higher risk of severe illness should stay home and away from large groups of people as much as possible, including public places with a lot of people and large gatherings where there will be close contact with others. People at higher risk include:

o People 60 and older
o People with underlying health conditions including heart disease, respiratory illness and diabetes
o People who have weakened immune systems
o People who are pregnant

Workplace - Workplaces should enact measures that allow people who can work from home to do so. Taking these measures can help reduce the number of workers who come into contact with COVID-19 and help minimize absenteeism due to illness.

Events - If you can feasibly avoid bringing large groups of people together, consider postponing events and gatherings.

Schools - Public Health is not recommending closing schools and child care at this time. If there is a confirmed case of COVID-19, CDHD will work with the school or facility to determine the best measures including potential closure. Closure is not recommended now mainly because current evidence indicates young people have a far lower risk of serious illness from this virus than other people. Parents of children with reduced immune system or with chronic diseases should discuss with their provider the possibility of keeping the child out of school or child care.

General Public - All people should avoid going out when they are sick.

Healthcare - Avoid visiting hospitals, long term care facilities, or nursing homes to the extent possible. If you need to go, limit your time there and stay at least six feet away from patients.

In addition to these important measures, every individual can make a difference by doing the

o Wash hands often and vigorously with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water is not available, use a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol, saturating the skin surface and rubbing for at least 20 seconds.
o Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands.
o Avoid contact with people who are sick.
o Stay home when you are sick and avoid close contact (less than 6 feet away) with others.
o If you have a cold or cough and need to see a provider, always call first to be sure they
know you are coming so their staff can take appropriate precautions.
o Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or sleeve when coughing or sneezing.
o Don’t shake hands, bump elbows.
o Use sanitizing wipes or solutions (normal household products work) on frequently
touched surfaces and objects at home and at work.
o Take good care of yourself to stay healthy, including adequate sleep and good nutrition.

Thanks to Public Health Seattle King County for some of the advisory language above.
COVID-19 Resources:

Chelan-Douglas Health District

Washington State Department of Health

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


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